Monday, April 1, 2013

Reality Check

While walking with his Chinese assistant Yali, Parinda stopped to fix his hair using a store window reflection to do so.

Yali commented: “You still look very handsome.”

And then after a very short pause: “and old.”

Cultural Sensitivity

During his in-country training in China, Longma was advised by his teachers not to talk about politics and the cultural revolution with his Chinese associates, as they might be offended.

But one day, while he and a young Chinese man named Wang Liang were walking, they past a very large statue of Chairman Mao, whose right arm was stretched out straight in a salute, Longma dared to ask Wang Liang: “So what do the Chinese think of Mao?”

Without hesitation Wang Liang said: “We think he’s trying to get a taxi.”

Fashion Statement

When Parinda lived in China he saw that many of the Chinese men carried a purse. These were usually simple rectangular thin bags, brown or black, with long shoulder straps.

Thinking a purse would be useful, Parinda bought one and then proudly went into his office to show the Chinese staff his new look.

“Do I look more Chinese now?” he asked Wang Liang, one of the staff.

Wang Liang, looked at Parinda and said: “Now I see why expats don’t were purses,” he paused, “ they look stupid!”